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Smile design

Smile design is the design of the most suitable smile for you by evaluating your facial features, character, facial proportions, even skin color and many parameters.

As a result of the design, teeth (white aesthetics) and gums

(pink aesthetic) appropriate changes are detected.


The most important point here is that before deciding on an aesthetic restoration, what kind of result will be achieved can be seen before the treatment is started.

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The biggest advantage of this is that the treatment can be completed in a minimally invasive way without any cutting, grinding or minimal roughening of your teeth.

This extends the life of the teeth. With the aesthetic treatment performed, a healthy smile is aimed for many more years.

Bunun en büyük avantajı ise dişlerinizde hiç bir kesim, ufaltma işlemi yapılmadan veya minimum pürüzlendirmeler ile minimal invaziv bir şekilde tedavinin bitirilebilmesidir.

Bu sayede dişlerin ömrü uzar. Yapılan estetik tedavi ile çok daha uzun yıllar sağlıklı bir gülümseme amaçlanır.


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